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Suva Haul Out - October 2004
SEAWANHAKA spent 21 days in the FijiShip yard in Suva. It turned out to be a great place to get some major structural work done on her. Good, hard working craftsmen at a very reasonable price.
I had the good fortune of engaging the local Whippy family of shipwrights to do the work. David Whippy was on a Nantucket whaler who got off in Fiji in 1820. He reportedly had 5 wives and by all accounts contributed a significant number of descendants to the present population of Fiji. At one time there were 9 Whippy descendants working on SEAWANHAKA! |

The Whippy work crew. |
We replaced 23 frames, 4 planks, 4 floors, over 1,000 stainless steel bolts, and innumerable
other projects. She slipped back into the water looking sharp with a fresh paint job. One
highlight of the launch was the BBQ we catered for all the workers. We served 43 lunches of
grilled chops, chicken, salad, pineapple, and eggs. Right after lunch they started up the winch, and slipped us down the rails into Suva Harbor once again.
Elizabeth managed to squeeze in a week-long trip around the island of Viti Levu while SEAWANHAKA was out, but was a great help the rest of the time, assisting with hauling most of the interior out of the boat, and making numerous forays around town for parts.
SEAWANHAKA is way stout after all the work. Ready for an ocean passage. - Captain Bill
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Hauling Out (Friday, Oct 1)

The guys tie SEAWANHAKA's lines to keep her in place above the ramp. |

Phillip gives orders on deck, Waqa directs from the ramp. |

Divers build the cradle underwater below SEAWANHAKA. |

The guys raise the ladder up to the deck. |

SEAWANHAKA sitting on her rail out of the water. |
Haulout Week 1

Moses Whippy drills holes for new fasteners. |

New stainless steel fasteners in the main cabin frames. |

Bill and Peter discuss the progress. |

David Whippy caulks the seams on a new plank. |

Laisanie Whippy came to help most days after Kindergarten. |

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Haulout Week 2

Holes for new fasteners and caulked seams. |

Sanding down the wooden plugs after the new fasteners are installed. |

New propeller shaft in place. |

SEAWANHAKA's deck, during the work. |

SEAWANHAKA's deck, during the work. |
Haulout Week 3

Laisanie and Elizabeth made several trips by dinghy to the fuel dock to fill up SEAWANHAKA's tanks before launching. |

Lunchtime at the FijiShip yard. |

Painting SEAWANHAKA's hull. |

While the hull gets painted outside, the guys rebuild the cabin. |

Bill rebuilds the V-Berth. |

The guys add the finishing touches to SEAWANHAKA's paint job on the day before she's launched back into the water. |
Back in the Water (Friday, October 22)

The hull is freshly painted, ready to take on the ocean. |

A celebration BBQ, compliments of Captain Bill. |

SEAWANHAKA is safely back in the water! |
Go back to Fiji photos.